
tastes like burnt popcorn

Starbucks has introduced me to the world of coffee tasting. I'm new to it, but I am learning. They say you don't drink coffee just for the caffeine. A that it's ok just the way it is, that you don't need cream and ten packs of raw sugar. They also say that some coffees actually taste different from others. A diversity of aroma, acidity, body, and flavor.

The first step in coffee tasting is fun, yet silly to observers. Smell your coffee. It's a good idea to swirl your cup a little, to aerate the coffee, releasing the wonderful nose candy. I'm not sure if this really helps, but it makes you feel like your drinking wine. After you sniff your joe, slurp it. They say slurp so you splash your tongue, sprinkling all of your taste buds. I say slurp so you don't burn your tongue. A swollen tongue can dramatically alter your coffee tasting experience. Most of your descriptions will be "smoky and a little spicy". Plus you won't taste anything the rest of the week. The last two steps include locating the concentration of flavor on your tongue and then describing the taste.

They give you some helpful terms to describe the taste. Nice words like, "Intense, elegant, clean, caramelly." I translated a few… "Earthy"…tastes like dirt. "Herbal"…tastes like wet grass. "Smoky"…tastes like burnt popcorn.

They also offer a few hints in helping you realize the variety flavor. One is food pairing. Often a pastry can brighten a coffee's unique taste. A cinnamon role can bring out the spice in Sumatra. I just think it's a good idea because cinnamon roles taste good, so good that you forget the dirt taste of coffee.

Sometimes, they say, it can be helpful to compare two blends of coffee together in order to taste the differences. Makes sense to me, worse coffee makes bad coffee seem good.

I have to admit, I'm a little cynical, but also equally interesting, in coffee tasting. Sometimes I wonder if I'm really getting it or if my imagination is just getting better. Either way, this experience has caused me to wonder…

If drinking coffee slowly and analytically can make dirt taste good, or at least interesting, than how would sweeter and more fulfilling foods taste if I really tasted them deeply? Anyone up for a chocolate milkshake tasting? A shrimp tasting? A pizza tasting?

Or even more importantly, what if I tasted life like I do coffee? I think coffee tasting is a metaphor for life, and it's not just the cup that you are given that decides the flavor, it's the way you drink it as well.

Slow down. Take pictures. Journal. Tell stories. Find the beauty in your situation. See the good in people. "...live deep and suck out all the marrow of life" (Thoreau, Walden).


Jared said...

be sure to wear a shirt with jeremy morris' pic on it when coffee tasting. It'll make it taste better.

katie said...

hey friend - i hope the great ny is treating you well. and for the record, i would give anything for a pizza tasting party right now :)

Anonymous said...

I miss you already!

I have no doubt that our all knowing all loving God knew that a mother like me needed a son like you! You more than anyone has caused me to see that my God is so much bigger than my black and white opinions and views, and if fact I would miss Him and His greatness if I didn't see Him in the grey! Often you have been the teacher and i have been the pupil, in doing so the Lord has used you to make me a better person!

You have never been my possession just a priceless gift on loan from a God who calls you His own priceless possession. His intent all along was for me to let you go beyond the 4 walls of our own home so He could share you with the world! That has always made the good-byes easier!

Thank you for always seeing me thru the eyes of our accepting, embracing Savior, who even on my most selfish and impatient days sees the best of me thru Himself. We all a work in progrss in the Hands of a redeeming Savior who will be faithful to complete a good work in us! I am SO proud to call you son! Philemon 1:4-7

mlbeck said...

I don't know who you are crazy lady, please stop leaving nice but embarrassing comments on my blog!

Just kidding mom. Thanks for the note.

Anonymous said...

miss you have not talked to you lately you need to call indiana some day when you get time we all miss you alot

Anonymous said...

miss you have not talked to you lately you need to call indiana some day when you get time we all miss you alot