
One Ounce Action Beats a Ton of Words

I saw him there on the side of the road with his turquose dufflebag thrown over his right sholder, left hand held high in the air, thumb out. At seventyfive miles an hour I did not have much time to make a decision. My mind began a debate with itself.

“He probably smells.”
“That doesn’t matter.”
“He may have a knife, a gun, or deadly right jab.”
“Maybe he just needs a ride.”
“But what if he steals my truck.”
“What if he really needs my truck more than I do.”
“What if…”
“Maybe he’s Jesus.”

I needed time to think this over, to hold a pray meeting, to get a air freshner and selfdefence classes. So I stopped at the next gas station and “dropped the kids off at the pool.” A good place to process. After much deliberation, I stepped through the door with verdict in mind. I got back in my truck and determined that if he was still there I would pick him up.

But I had my pocketknife ready just in case.

Turns out it was a good fight. And I still have one functioning arm (which makes typing this blog interesting). He got one shot off (my left arm) before I put a blade in his splean and kicked him out the door with my right flipflop (I’d like to thank Old Navy). Just kidding. The only battle that went on was in my head. Tom didn’t try to kill me. He was (is) just trying to make it from Dallas to California to see his Aunty who is sick. He told her, “I don’t got any money, but I’ll be there in a couple weeks.”

I wonder how long it took Tom to make that decision. Did he calculate the risk (he could get run over, hungry, or sunburned) or write down pros and cons (saftey or Aunty)? If he did it didn’t take long and he didn’t need to “sleep on it”. He walked all night after the phone call with his Aunty. Tom was so tired that when he got in my truck he mumbled a few words I couldn’t understand and fell asleep for four hours. That’s determination. That’s faith backed with works. That’s love. That’s what I want.

How long will I let “It’s not safe” keep from loving people? How long will I have conversations with myself? How long will I be like a wave in the sea blown and tossed back and forth by the wind?

That’s it. I’m not going to do this anymore! No more hesitations. No more second guessing. No more loving comfort more than my nieghbor. I’m gonna pick up the Holy Spirit’s phone call on the first ring. I’m gonna to be singleminded. I’m gonna ask for opportunities to love people and when they come, no matter the cost or danger, I’m going to take them with courage.


1 comment:

Jared said...

It seems like countless times in the bible we see that followers of Christ don't even think twice about doing things that are uncomfotable and out of their way in order to be obedient.

Why is it so tough for us? Is saying 'we are idfferent' on account of culture/age/context have any real grounds for not going out of the way for another?

I dunno, just laying it out there.