
grass stains

I'm in Kernersville, North Carolina having a good time.

Though, I gotta be honest, the grass isn’t greener here. I mean it is, but it isn’t. There was no grass in Lubbock, and a lot less that is green in Ohio, but I miss Texas and I miss home. And I think that a good thing, not bad, for missing something means it is worth missing.

But the thing I’m learning is this…it’s not about the grass (or the lack there of). At least not in the way I used to see it. And by grass I mean this perfect place where we think we ought to be and usually don’t feel like we are at.

There is something everywhere. It may be the grass here or sky somewhere else. Literally and figuratively. There is no better stage for lightning shows, nor greater canvas to set the sun than the big blue sky of Texas (at least in my small but growing world). The air tastes better in Colorado. I’m not sure why, but it must have to do with mountains. And I don’t care what people say about Ohio, I can’t imagine a good Christmas without having to shovel the drive. The truth is, there is something “greener” about every place…and also every people. That’s what I mean about grass figuratively.

There is something magic about the staff I worked with my senior year at IWU and my times with Levi. I’ve never been a part of community that sweet. And may never be again be. But that’s ok, because “that it will never come again is what makes it so sweet” (Emily Dickinson). There isn’t a better friend than Nick. If the Lord of the Rings were my adventure and I were Frodo, he would be my Sam. And Cooper. I laugh so hard with that dude...till my head hurts. I miss going to the drive-in almost every weekend with my fam in Texas. I could go for speed Scrabble with anyone right now, but with Mom and Dad if I could choose. Especially when my mother makes the case that words like “baggirl” are really in the dictionary.

Really, I could go on for days. I feel very rich with people right now. My grass is green. And I pray that someday God lets me write books, not because I necessarily think I have a lot to say that already hasn’t been said, but because I love it and most of all want to write words in my books, just a few pages in like: “To my sister Minde, who’s courage and joy inspired this story”. Part of me longs to have a stage, longs to be famous, not for the sake of being famous, but so I may give a speech to thank all the people who have made my life worth living.

And to thank the one behind it all. To God, the Maker of grass and mountains, and the One behind every thing and person “greener”. His glory is everywhere. That is, I mean, his beauty, laughter, goodness, love—all the things that make life sweet.

Think about your yard. Is it green?

I hope you see that it is, just a shade of it at least. And if you do see that it is, I hope that your cloths are stained with its cooler.


Jason Fry said...


thanks for putting that out there. you have made me think of how blessed I truly am. I pray that I never get too old, stupid, or wimpy to get more stains all over myself...you're greatly missed here @ the WU and in our house. take care of yourself...

Kara said...

Thanks Matt...I needed what you said today.

Tim said...


Anonymous said...


from swimming sam