
The C.S. Lewis of Our Generation

Just started reading Don's newly released old book, Through Painted Deserts. I recommend it.

And I think if I were God, I would have waited a couple thousand years on the whole Jesus thing until Donald Miller was born and could have followed Him around and been one of the gospel writers.

I like to write and I spend a lot of time playing with words, chosing them carefully, hoping to make people laugh, feel inspired, understand how much they mean to me, know God, or think I'm an ok guy. I enjoy it, but it is work. I have to buy my every vowel with time, and I am a slave to consonants. It seems the opposite for Don. He's the the master of words. Letters work for him.

And I think he's the C.S. Lewis of our generation.

Fifty years from now Don Miller will be a household name. People will read him and get the same feeling I get now reading him, the same feeling I get reading Lewis...the feeling that my heart is beating like it never has before, and the feeling that I know why it is beating, like I never have known before. I feel like the entire universe makes sense and I feel like I make sense when I read Lewis, when I read Miller.

So go to "F and S's" (for those of you who aren't Pete and Jared or Trixie that's Barnes and Noble) and buy Blue Like Jazz or Searching For God Knows What or his newly released old book, Through Painted Deserts. I promise, you will hear your heart beat like it never has before...

P.S. Everything he says about Texas is true.


Motherhood is Here said...

Hi, I have never read Don before. It sounds like you are pretty good with words yourself. Have you heard of "Megashift" by Jim Rutz? If you could say there is one thing missing in Christian written works of today's time, what would it be? Anna

mlbeck said...

Never heard of "Megashift"...will check it out.

One thing missing in Christian lit...mostly honesty, and a little creativity (Sorry that was two. If I had to, I'd take the first one).

That's what I appreciate about Don.

Pete said...

looking forward to reading it. miller is one of my favorite authors, right up there with lewis. like lewis he's real and offers a fresh perspective on things that we know & have heard a thousand times.

fetzer said...

I read blue like jazz on the recommendation of a friend and it was okay but not the masterpiece I expected. I appreciate Miller's perspective and he does have a niche cadre of followers but before we put him with Lewis let's see if his writing influence lasts more than a decade.