“Hmmm…” I wondered, taking a sip of my Dr. Pepper, “wouldn’t the gas companies make up for the lack of sales on those three days with the mad profits on the day prior and the day following the “gas out”. I thought about sharing my insights, but thought that maybe my lack of sleep from driving all night caused me to miss the great idea.
Now that I’ve slept on it, I still think it’s a dumb idea…and the approach is misguided. There are a lot of solutions being offered for the rising pump prices, including boycotts, more U.S. drilling, an end to a war, petitions, an impeachment, pump-n-runs, bike riding, hybrids, corn, and more.
But we must address the real issue here. It’s not about high gas prices. Sure you’re pissed off about paying forty bucks to fill up your car. So am I. But by giving into the government’s quick fix ideas (reopening offshore and Alaskan oil drilling) we are only perpetuating the real problem…the effect our abuse of natural resources is having on the environment. And if the rumors are true…that we have the technology to make more efficient and safer (for the trees and us) vehicles, but the oil dudes have such a monopoly over our economy, government, and dare I say, President, that the solutions to our energy and environmental crisis are kept from becoming a reality, than we have a sick problem on our hands that requires more than just drilling holes...well unless the "holes" are in reference to the oil dudes and they are the object of the drilling.
It’s about more than saving money…being a good steward goes beyond cash. It includes our environment (see my blog…“The Wisdom is in the Trees not the Glass Windows”). So don’t perpetuate the problem, seek solutions for the earth not just for your wallet. Write a letter, sign petition, and even boycott if it floats your boat, but don’t support more drilling. Start saving up for a hybrid, ride your bike, carpool, support gas/oil companies that are serious about the real issue (BP) and talk trash about the gas/oil companies that refuse to care about anyone (or Anyone’s creation) but themselves (Exxon).
To be honest with ya’ll, I know little about this issue. I’m learning. I feel like it’s my responsibility as a created being and especially as a Christian. So do your research. Don’t take my word for it…and certainly not Fox News'. I like sierraclub.com and if I knew how to leave a link on this blog I would leave this one:
Update: Here's a great quote...
"Drilling the Arctic Refuge would be as shortsighted as damming the Grand Canyon for hydroelectric power or tapping Old Faithful for geothermal energy. It would be as foolhardy as burning the Mona Lisa to keep you warm" (Frank Crowder).
To read the whole article click below (I think):